I was born in Russia in 1995, I was essentially left in the hospital after I was born due to the fact that I was missing my left arm. I was fortunate enogh to be placed into an orphanage where I lived for the next couple years. Back in the U.S., Kevin and Lori, who recently had a daughter of their own where looking to adopt for their next kid. Both of them had other family that were adopted and had friends that had reently adopted childeren from Russia. Lori found a photo ofthis little one armed boy and showed it to Kevin. “Thats my son!” he said. Thanksgiving 1997 I was adopted and became a McConnell.

A few years later, my family got word that I had a blood sibling that was put up for aoption. Marina was 10 years old at the time and unwilling to leave Russia. My parernts went through the proccess once again and during one of the adoption hearings Marina told them that she would not leave her younger brother Vladimir behind. He was only 3 years old and in a different orphanage. My parents adopted both of them and we were all reunited.

Growing up I took after my Dad both in music and computers. I’ve been tinkering with computers and technology since before I can even remember, and as a teenager I worked in our families computer repair business. I’ve maintained a successful carrer in IT and even though I’ve moved on from the family business my Dad and I continue to work and lean on eachother for all sorts of projects.

My Dad’s side of the family has a long history of music in the household, and our house was no exception. Before I can remener I was kicking my Dad off the piano so I could play, and by the time I was a teenager we had more keyboard in the house that I could count! I eventually taught myself how to play using my foot on the keys.

Beyond music and computers, I’ve also have a passion for film and photography, most recently I have found a way to compine my interest by not only creating videos of my own music, but also by starting an interview series with other musicians.

Victor McConnell